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free choice中文是什么意思

用"free choice"造句"free choice"怎么读"free choice" in a sentence


  • 任食
  • 自由采食
  • 自由选择


  • Free choice and educational fairness - a review on milton friedman ' s education voucher plan
    米尔顿183 ;弗里德曼教育凭单计划述评
  • Article 9 a consumer shall have the right to free choice in purchasing commodities or services
  • Cardholders have a free choice to decide whether to include the applications in their smart id card or not
  • B . court system and adr system are only a matter of free choice by litigants involved in a dispute
  • Hu shi emphasize that free choice and each takes what it needs is the normal state of cultural exchange
    胡适还强调指出,任何文化都有其自身的“根本保守性” ,也就是所谓“文化本位” 。
  • The relationship between the number of the tasks , precision points , constraints and free choices of variables is analyzed
  • Thirty - five is a very attractive age : london society is full of women who have their own free choice remained thirty - five for years
  • The relationship between the number of the tasks , precision points , constraints and free choices of variables in each model are analyzed
  • Special regulation should be set up and the right of free choice of contract one - sided should to be given to labors
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"free choice"造句  
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